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Students will read contemporary young adult fiction and nonfiction that focuses on the diverse and complex issues teens grapple with today. Selections may involve a range of social and psychological themes including but not limited to: teen violence, substance abuse, mental health, diverse characters, and relationships. Students will share responsibility for reading independently and facilitating discussion. This course will emphasize exposure to, research regarding, and an understanding of a variety of social-emotional issues as well as mental health issues. Assessment will be project-based and inquiry-driven. Parent permission is required to enroll in this elective course.

For Parents/Guardians . . .

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Click on either one of these links to learn more about the books we will be reading in class this year (the titles are at the top of this page). Goodreads will provide a brief synopsis and generic reviews. Common Sense Media will provide a brief synopsis, ratings in specific categories, and reviews from parents and children.

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