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Get a physical folder and/or a digital folder to keep track of your college material. Utilize page protectors to organize applications and material. 📁

Apply for as many scholarships as possible REGARDLESS of financial aid . . . anything beyond what you need for school will go straight into your bank account. 🤑

Get used to writing about yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, and adversity you’ve overcome. Will it sound like you’re bragging? YES! That’s okay because you are wanting scholarship committees to give you money. 🥰💲

Run all essays through Grammarly . . . that’s what it is there for. 🔎

Pay attention to deadlines. Use a calendar to keep track of due dates. It is poor form to submit applications beyond the deadline. Plus, most will not even take your application into consideration if it is past the due date. 📆

POSTMARKED means it needs to be stamped by the post office before the date/time it specifies. The Lyndon Post Office closes at 4:30 pm. 🕟

SAVE EVERYTHING you write/type. Keep a running document of questions/topics you’ve responded to because you can use this information on other applications. Just revise and make necessary corrections/changes. 💡

DO NOT use AI technology to "help" you with your essays. Why risk losing money? 🧟‍♀️


If you would like me to look over your essays, EMAIL them to me along with the prompt you’re responding to as well as who it is for and the date it is due. GIVE ME AT LEAST ONE WEEK to look it over. 🧐

Be courteous to Ms. Smith. She does a TON for this school, seniors especially, so the polite tips I mentioned above go for her as well. 😊

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